Cheesy Bacon Fries


Ingredients:  Fries, Cheese sauce, Turkey chunks, and BBQ sauce.



Introducing our Cheesy Bacon Fries – a symphony of flavors that turns indulgence into an art form! Imagine golden fries, perfectly crisp, generously adorned with a blanket of melted cheese. Each bite is a harmonious fusion of textures and tastes, a journey that tantalizes your taste buds. Elevate your cravings, and embrace the extraordinary – because our Cheesy Fries aren’t just a side; they’re a delectable sensation that accompanies every bite. Elevate your meal, savor the magic, and let the irresistible combination of fries and cheese create a culinary masterpiece that leaves you craving for more.

Ingredients:  Fries, Cheese sauce, Turkey chunks, and BBQ sauce.